Monday, November 01, 2004

Mio Più Nuovo Senso

Cari amici,

Precedentemente ho detto que desidero cancellere questo Blog e cominci sopra, soltanto nella lingua italiana. Ciò era ed è un'idea fine, ma ho realizzato quello se facessi questo, l'una o due gente nel "e-community" ampio; chi può realmente inciampare su questo, statisticamente, molto probabilmente non potere leggere o capire l'italiano e così mancherebbero questo lavoro importante, a che gradisco riferirsi come "my art". Così, ho decisare inviare principalmente in inglese, ma occasionalmente in italiano.

(Traduzione: Uhhh, see below)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

My Newer Direction

My Dear Friend(s),

Previously I had stated that I would erase this Blog and start over, only in the Italian language. This was and is a fine idea, as I would like to continue learning the Italian language. However I have realized that if I did this, the one or two people in the vast "e-community" who may actually stumble upon this site whilst looking for bizarre oddities of the world, would, statistically speaking, most likely not be able to read and/or understand Italian, and thus would miss this important work which I like to refer to as "my art". So, I've decided to post mostly in English, but occasionally in Italian as well. My Italian is, sans my dictionary and other aids, somewhat sophmoric, so don't be too impressed.

(Translation: "See you later")

Friday, October 15, 2004

My New Direction

Dear Friend(s),

I've decided to erase all entries in this "blog" and start over, only from now on all entries will be in the Italian language, in keeping with the title of this important blogging work. This new-found direction will commence immediately, or when I get around to it. Soak in these last few words of English while you can.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Welcome to Blogiorno!

Originally uploaded by aabitia.
Wow, I am now BLOGGING! Today is the first day of my life!!! Yeah, right. Virtually all blogging is interesting for about 3 seconds. Why? Because most bloggers seem to subscribe to the "no thematic elements allowed" rule. This is not conducive to developing a "following". I suspect that bloggers are much like the vast majority of musicians these days, who practice their "art" mainly to amuse themselves, and few else, not realizing that there may be an audience out there trying to make sense of the balled-up mass of information. Alas, so many have deluded themselves into thinking they're complex and interesting, completely forgetting said audience.

I fully realize that such an elitist attitude does not explain why I am blogging. So why do I do it? The obvious answer--as alluded to above--is that I do it to amuse myself, so at least one person is therefore being entertained. ("Hypocrite", you may say, to which I reply, "Patience, my pet...let me finish my thought(s).") A slightly better answer could be found in the annals of classic Simpsons lines, as quoted by Homer (Simpson, not the Greek poet): "Ah, the mysteries of life." But the most "complex and interesting" answer I can offer is also the most accurate: This blog, unlike most blogs, is actually ABOUT something, namely Italy. So you see, I, the blogger, enjoy relating to you, the blogee, all of the wit and wisdom I can conjure up about Italy and all she offers, but without the persistent sugar-coating that plagues most writers who seem to think that Italians can do no wrong, such that they long-ago converted all of their unneeded confessional booths into gelaterias for the sweaty masses trampling through the venerable catholic churches.
