Thursday, November 10, 2005

Short Story: All Is Right With The World (Tutto E Adatto Nel Mondo)

pioggia a Firenze
Originally uploaded by aabitia.
Hello again my faithful readers. (I thank you for that loyalty, by the way.) So far all of the entries in Blogiorno have been "commentary" in nature. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed authoring them. However, as you may know, there are other avenues down which a writer can travel in his "literary journey". To wit, fiction. Now while I do not consider myself a fiction writer, I decided that it would be an interesting exercise to write (and actually finish) a "short story" for Blogiorno. I have done so here. I would sincerely like to hear your thoughts about it; however, if you will kindly permit me, I would like to enumerate a few "ground rules" to keep in mind as you share your thoughts with me and the blogging world:

1. Please be honest.
2. Please be polite.
3. If you cannot be polite, please substitute "colorful" words with socially acceptable ones.
4. Please be as accurate as possible, as this will help me create more of "my art" in the future. Example: Instead of, "you suck man", you might more accurately state, "I did not actually read your story, as it necessitated an extra precious click of my mouse; said clicks are normally reserved for online gaming. After evaluating the title of your story and finding it lacking [any mention of girls with AK-47s], I respectfully navigated away from your blog".
5. You may not refer to the main protagonist as "Vinnie" or any disrespectful iteration thereof.

Influences: One, actually--John Cheever. I personally like his writing quite a lot, and while some might consider his work to be outdated (he wrote from the 1930s to the 1970s), I say he's one of the best ever at short fiction. My favorite work of his is "The Country Husband". Really excellent.

*** Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The main character is an amalgamation of many people, real and imagined, and my observations of them. Finally, while there are intense thematic and spiritual elements in this story, they are by no means "correct" or even reflective of my personal beliefs. Again, my friends, it is fiction and should be taken as such. See? Now you don't have to send me an Angry-Gram. ***

The title of this short story is "All Is Right With The World" (or, in Italian, "Tutto E Adatto Nel Mondo").

Download the PDF here


marii said...

Wow! amazing story...I loved it. How do you right something like that...I don't even think I could be that creative. was a beatiful piece of work

Aaron Abitia said...

Thanks for the nice words. That Vincent is one confused guy, haha. BTW, Eddie really liked it too and now he wants me to write more "Vincent" stories. I'm working on another one, just for more grins...set in Italy of course, but maybe with a different character this time. It's challenging and fun.

Anonymous said...

"Tutto E Adatto Nel Mondo," if one reads between the lines it only makes it apparent that those who have eyes that "see" and ears that "hear" seem to pay a much higher price...but in many respects in time live a much fuller life and experience genuine peace. Vincents are very few and far between and in their own way do much greater service to man than all the so called care giving occupations...Vincents are the real salt of the earth...and I agree with Vincents mother, what could you expect from a country between Germany and Italy, but the French... Bravo...FPA (I await your next episode)